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24-edo 36-EDO , 48-edo FROM CHAINs OF tritone , PYTHAGOREAN THIRD and .....

🔗Mohajeri Shahin <>

11/13/2006 12:39:42 AM


considering three 12-degree chain of 81/64 , 12-ED(81/64) , the result is 1223.46:

0: 1/1 0.000 unison, perfect prime

1: 33.985 cents 33.985

2: 67.970 cents 67.970

3: 101.955 cents 101.955

4: 135.940 cents 135.940

5: 169.925 cents 169.925

6: 9/8 203.910 major whole tone

7: 237.895 cents 237.895

8: 271.880 cents 271.880

9: 305.865 cents 305.865

10: 339.850 cents 339.850

11: 373.835 cents 373.835

12: 81/64 407.820 Pythagorean major third

13: 441.805 cents 441.805

14: 475.790 cents 475.790

15: 509.775 cents 509.775

16: 543.760 cents 543.760

17: 577.745 cents 577.745

18: 729/512 611.730 Pythagorean tritone

19: 645.715 cents 645.715

20: 679.700 cents 679.700

21: 713.685 cents 713.685

22: 747.670 cents 747.670

23: 781.655 cents 781.655

24: 6561/4096 815.640 Pythagorean augmented fifth

25: 849.625 cents 849.625

26: 883.610 cents 883.610

27: 917.595 cents 917.595

28: 951.580 cents 951.580

29: 985.565 cents 985.565

30: 59049/32768 1019.550 Pythagorean augmented sixth

31: 1053.535 cents 1053.535

32: 1087.520 cents 1087.520

33: 1121.505 cents 1121.505

34: 1155.490 cents 1155.490

35: 1189.475 cents 1189.475

36: 531441/262144 1223.460 Pythagorean augmented seventh

then :

23.46 / 36 = 0.6516666

Then 36-edo will be resulted by using : Cd-(0.651666*d) which Cd is cent of each degree and d is degree of interval.

And also for 48-edo from four 12-degree chains of 32/27 , 12-ED(32/27) but the result is 1176.540 , then we have :

23.46 / 48= 0.48875

And using this formula : Cd+(0.651666*d)

24-edo : from two 12-degree chains of Pythagorean tritone , 12-ED(729/512)

Shaahin Mohajeri

Tombak Player & Researcher , Microtonal Composer

My web siteوب سايت شاهين مهاجري <>

My farsi page in Harmonytalkصفحه اختصاصي در هارموني تاك <>

Shaahin Mohajeri in Wikipedia شاهين مهاجري دردائره المعارف ويكي پديا <> <>

🔗Dan Amateur <>

11/13/2006 6:10:34 PM

Can you upload or email a copy of this in a word
document to retain its formatting? I couldnt make out
over half of the text as it seems the formating was
corrupted, thanks


--- Mohajeri Shahin <> wrote:

> considering three 12-degree chain of 81/64 ,
> 12-ED(81/64) , the result is 1223.46:
> 0: 1/1 0.000 unison,
> perfect prime
> 1: 33.985 cents 33.985
> 2: 67.970 cents 67.970
> 3: 101.955 cents 101.955
> 4: 135.940 cents 135.940
> 5: 169.925 cents 169.925
> 6: 9/8 203.910 major whole
> tone
> 7: 237.895 cents 237.895
> 8: 271.880 cents 271.880
> 9: 305.865 cents 305.865
> 10: 339.850 cents 339.850
> 11: 373.835 cents 373.835
> 12: 81/64 407.820 Pythagorean
> major third
> 13: 441.805 cents 441.805
> 14: 475.790 cents 475.790
> 15: 509.775 cents 509.775
> 16: 543.760 cents 543.760
> 17: 577.745 cents 577.745
> 18: 729/512 611.730 Pythagorean
> tritone
> 19: 645.715 cents 645.715
> 20: 679.700 cents 679.700
> 21: 713.685 cents 713.685
> 22: 747.670 cents 747.670
> 23: 781.655 cents 781.655
> 24: 6561/4096 815.640 Pythagorean
> augmented fifth
> 25: 849.625 cents 849.625
> 26: 883.610 cents 883.610
> 27: 917.595 cents 917.595
> 28: 951.580 cents 951.580
> 29: 985.565 cents 985.565
> 30: 59049/32768 1019.550 Pythagorean
> augmented sixth
> 31: 1053.535 cents 1053.535
> 32: 1087.520 cents 1087.520
> 33: 1121.505 cents 1121.505
> 34: 1155.490 cents 1155.490
> 35: 1189.475 cents 1189.475
> 36: 531441/262144 1223.460 Pythagorean
> augmented seventh
> then :
> 23.46 / 36 = 0.6516666
> Then 36-edo will be resulted by using :
> Cd-(0.651666*d) which Cd is cent of each degree and
> d is degree of interval.
> And also for 48-edo from four 12-degree chains of
> 32/27 , 12-ED(32/27) but the result is 1176.540 ,
> then we have :
> 23.46 / 48= 0.48875
> And using this formula : Cd+(0.651666*d)
> 24-edo : from two 12-degree chains of Pythagorean
> tritone , 12-ED(729/512)
> Shaahin Mohajeri
> Tombak Player & Researcher , Microtonal Composer
> My web siteÙˆب ساÙŠت شاهين ÙÂ…Ù‡اجرÙŠ
> <>
> My farsi page in HarmonytalkصفحÙ‡ اختصاصÙŠ
> در Ù‡ارÙ…وني تاÙƒ
> <>
> Shaahin Mohajeri in Wikipedia شاهين
> ÙÂ…Ù‡اجرÙŠ دردائرÙ‡ المعارف ويكي
> پدÙŠا
> <>
> <>

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