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🔗Gene Ward Smith <>

5/26/2006 2:20:27 PM

Just so I don't embarass myself further, what should I call the
following property:

A for scale of m steps in n-et s[i], where the index set i runs over
0 <= i < m and adds mod m, define

v[i, j] = s[i+j] - s[i] mod n

where the mod n classes run 0 <= i < n. We may consider v to define a
m x (m-1) matrix, and it has the property Balzano calls "distinctness"
if the rows of the matrix are distinct. (Balzano only defines things
in 12-et, but of course I am ignoring that.) A stronger property would
be that the rank of the matrix is m-1, but I don't know if that gets
one anywhere.