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Re: OffTopic: linux filesystems

🔗Carl Lumma <>

5/14/2006 4:16:04 PM

>> >>The Linux kernel and filesystem know nothing about character
>> >>encodings,
>> >
>> > What is the Linux filesystem?
>> Not a single filesystem, but several filesystems are supported, like:
>> ext2
>> ext3 (with journal)
>> xfs
>> reiserfs
>Right, and what I meant was that the generic Linux filesystem code,
>which handles all of these, is 8-bit clean, so as long as the
>underlying filesystem has a way of storing arbitrary data (all of
>these do), Linux will let you use unicode filenames or whatever.

Windows' implementation is full 16-bit unicode.


🔗Keenan Pepper <>

5/14/2006 6:00:57 PM

On 5/14/06, Carl Lumma <> wrote:
> Windows' implementation is full 16-bit unicode.

I can't tell exactly what you mean by that. I think you're confusing a
character set with an encoding.

🔗Aaron Krister Johnson <>

5/14/2006 7:38:42 PM

--- In, Carl Lumma <ekin@...> wrote:
> >Right, and what I meant was that the generic Linux filesystem code,
> >which handles all of these, is 8-bit clean, so as long as the
> >underlying filesystem has a way of storing arbitrary data (all of
> >these do), Linux will let you use unicode filenames or whatever.
> >
> >Keenan
> Windows' implementation is full 16-bit unicode.

Right, so you admit it's absolutely braindead that their flagship
browser doesn't support unicode very well?

Another thing that piece-of-shit IE-explorer doesn't implement:
transparent .png infuriating it is for web designers who
want easy to produce transparencies! So, we are stuck with having to
use transparent GIFs for IE-Explorer....whoppie! 128 colors! (god GIFS
are so terribly awful).

And, on top of that enormously high dung heap, just about every hack
in the html hackbook is to make un-standards-compliant BS Microsuck
IE-explorer work *as if* it understood what standards were. Of course,
one has to design webpages from time to time to realize that--before
you defend IE explorer, try designing a web page that you want 90% of
the public to see correctly, and you see how infuriating this is.

Of course, mafia bullies they are, MS doesn't give a flying turd,
'cause they know that market share means web designers have to cave to
the masses that consume their crappy product.

I hate MS *so much*, I get hemmorhoids thinking about it.
