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8 note block from my example


11/13/2001 8:11:17 PM

I looked at the 8-note block from the LLL reduction of the 72-et I
gave as an example, and got the following:


Since I started from the 72-et, it seems reasonable to look at what
this is in that system, which turns out to be the 10 9 9 9 7 9 9 10
pattern of steps. The block itself may be defined as

(126/125)^round(14n/8) * (50/49)^round(11n/8) * (99/98)^round(4n/8)
* (245/242)^n * (55/54)^round(12n/8)

Here "round" rounds to the nearest integer, and n runs from -3 to 4.