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Seven dwarves

🔗Gene Ward Smith <>

9/1/2004 1:45:57 AM

I've been making Scala files for some of these, and fairly often I've
found a match with a known scale. This is excellent, as it is evidence
that dwarves are interesting. One might take then as the canonical
scale for a given val in case you needed a definition for that.

Here are seven dwarves for which I got a match; dwarfn_p is shorthand
for the dwarf for the canonical n-val in the p-limit.

dwarf5_7 = inverse equal minor_5
dwarf7_5 = ptolemy, zarlino etc
dwarf12_5 = duodene
dwarf19_5 = inverted wilson1
dwarf19_7 = chalmers "more hexanies than Perrett's Tierce-Tone"
dwarf31_5 = ji31b
dwarf41_5 ~ almost identical fokker41b

We also have:

dwarf9_5 = efg3355 = genus(225)
dwarf10_5 = efg3335 = genus(405)