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new definitions: wedgie, multimonzo, etc.

🔗monz <>

7/25/2004 9:59:50 AM

new definitions, and additions to old ones.
please review for errors, etc.

Gene: when i plead with you for a definition that
makes sense to a non-mathematician, i mean for you
to begin with something like "a wedgie is a list of
numbers", etc.

really dumb it down ... try to realize that a lot
of people who will be surfing into the Encyclopaedia
of Tuning are *musicians*, and the extent of their
mathematical knowledge typically goes only as far
as understanding I II III IV V VI VII.

one particular item ... you see how i say on "multimonzo"
that "The multimonzo provides a unique means of identifying
the entire infinite set of unison-vectors, within a given
prime-space, which are tempered out ("vanish") in a certain
equal-temperament" ...?

so then what is the wedgie uniquely identifying?
the prime-mapping of a set of ETs?
