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Kernel intersections and unions

🔗Gene Ward Smith <>

6/29/2004 3:57:49 PM

I just wrote some programs for finding kernel intersections and unions
for two 7-limit linear temperaments, and may up the ante to the
11-limit, where things get more complicated, next.

In the 7-limit, the Pfaffian of the two wedgies is either not zero, in
which case the temperaments are unrelated and we get nothing in the
intersection and a rank 4 union, or the Pfaffian is zero. In that
case, the temperaments are related, and we get a single comma
generating the intersection, and a single val definiting, by the
commas it annihilates, the union. I took a list of 112 7-limit linear
temperaments and got the usual suspects, for the most part, with
temperaments related to meantone. By this I mean for the union I got
the expected 5, 7, 12, 19 or 31. However, I also found three 50's and
a 43.

Meantone related via 50-et union:

<<12 -2 20 -31 -2 52|| wizard 225/224 intersection

<<13 2 30 -27 11 64|| 225/224 intersection

<<11 -6 10 -35 -15 40|| 225/224 intersection

Meantone related via 43-et union:

<<7 -15 -16 -40 -45 -5|| 225/224 intersection

Of course, 225/224 is one of the usual suspects when it comes to
kernel intersections with meantone, but I got some oddballs there:

Meantone related via 5103/5000

<<5 8 2 1 -11 -1|| 12 union

Meantone related via 703125/702464

<<23 -1 13 -55 -44 33|| 31 union

Meantone related via 3645/3584

<<1 -8 -2 -15 -6 18|| 12 union

<<0 12 12 19 19 -6|| 12 union (duh)