Sorry. Wrong list.
I also wrote:
>On now: Orchestre Frances de Flutes - Horatiu Radulescu
>Masses of flutes using the upper harmonic series, much like
>Glen Branca (or even LaMonte Young).
Well, not completely non-this-listy. It's not like I'm
trying to sell a book on 12tet harmony or anything.
* * .. * ... .* D a v i d B e a r d s l e y . . . * . . ...
I M M P & B i i n k! m u s i c * ..
E m a i l for a catalog of strange beautiful m u s i c ... .
. .. .*.. . .. . ..* . . .. . *. .
not a store, but an independent label.
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Date: Sat, 10 Aug 1996 22:53:21 -0700
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Haverstick here...Kanzelmeyer's comments about improv were interesting,
and had some truth to them. As far as noodling goes, it is very easy to
noodle around while improvising, and therefore come up with music that
is terribly boring and problem. But, on the other hand,
I think I am correct in saying that A. much of the music around the
world is improvisational rather than "composed"...Indian music, Arabic,
Blues, Jazz, African...without doubt, these are systems where, perhaps,
a basic framework is provided, but the skill and mastery of the individ-
ual musician is then necessary to make the performance come to life..
also, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and I'm sure many other "western" music-
cians were known as master improvisors as well...I sadly think that
this skill has been totally neglected in today's western (symphonic)
musicians, and we are left with zillions of folks who can repeat what
someone else has already written down, but have to internal creative
skills of their own (the word to in the previous line should be NO).
Written music is wonderful...but, in a recent Wendy Carlos interview
in Keyboard mag, Stravinsky was quoted as saying "composition is
frozen improvisation"...with which Wendy agreed, and I do too. In fact,
I cannot separate the terms composer and I have said
before, all blues/jazz players are composers and arrangers...they are
EXPECTED to be, because to copy another is to admit that you have
nothing of your own to add to the tradition...when I hear the current
crop of "young lions" in jazz, for instance, I am far from impressed
because the days of the original masters like Parker, Ellington, Coltrane,
Monk, Miles, Wes...these days are gone, and we are left with a shitload of
guys who are adding nothing to the lineage of jazz, who are instead
rehashing the harmonic and compositional innovations of these past
masters...they can play their axes, no doubt, but the tang is gone. Of
course, that's because of the continued dependance on the 12eq system;
jazz, rock, blues, country, and of course "classical" music...these
forms are dead and stinky, and will likely remain so until we can show
people that using other tuning systems is a valid step into tomorrow.
So, Bruce...I cannot imagine NOT improvising/composing...I see no
separation, and perhaps I am missing something here, and if so, I would
be glad to learn... far as your mbira, Jonathan Glasier in San Diego has built
some neat instruments, and could probably be of help...I do not have
his number, but he runs the Sonic Arts Gallery in San Diego...maybe
you can look it up...Hstick
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