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Conference proposals

🔗Leigh Smith <leigh@...>

10/29/1998 9:32:42 PM
As a microtonalist in Perth, Western Australia, voting for San Diego vs.
some other U.S. city is voting for Mars rather than Jupiter...

It's not out of the question that I would make the effort to fly over
(same sentiment as Lydia in HK, I understand), particularly as I expect
to have a couple of more conferences to attend next year in the Northern
summer. What would put me off is if I didn't think it was worthwhile, i.e
if the conference was poorly organised, didn't have a good program of
papers and concerts etc.

The Int. Computer Music Conference is a model of how such a conference
could be organised, lunch and evening concerts, daily papers, keynote

I strongly suggest organising via an academic institution, with a widely
selected panel of referees for papers and music (practictioners and
theorists) to ensure it doesn't become an ivory tower.

The ICMC moves each year according to the hosting organisation. Given
how cheap travelling in the U.S is (in comparison to Australia - I have
to travel 4000Kms to get to another capital city, it's cheaper to get to
Bali than to Sydney), I don't think the location within the continental
U.S. should be the highest priority.


Leigh Computer Music Lab, Computer Science Dept,
Smith University of Western Australia
+61-8-9380-2279 (NeXTMail/MIME)
Microsoft - Where do you want to compromise today?

🔗Johnny Reinhard <reinhard@...>

10/31/1998 8:11:53 PM
Every 13-year old boy singing the haftorah for his Bar Mitzvah chants.
There are added symbols placed above the text to influence the reading.
They are somewhat like Indian gamulkas, more like shapes of sound than
pitches. It's many years since I learned them and performed. I barely
remember them.

Johnny Reinhard
American Festival of Microtonal Music
318 East 70th Street, Suite 5FW
New York, New York 10021 USA
(212)517-3550/fax (212) 517-5495