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"Interval" price correction


10/26/1998 10:39:36 PM
Oops! Gave out the wrong prices for that copy
of "Interval".

It's $7, plus shipping ($2 US, $4 foreign).

Sorry about that.

- Joe Monzo

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🔗Kraig Grady <kraiggrady@...>

10/27/1998 2:15:32 PM
To those interested, Xenharmonikon II is now up on the Wilson Archive
which includes a keyboard layout of the 22 shutis as well as the persian
Kraig Grady
North American Embassy of Anaphoria Island

🔗Kraig Grady <kraiggrady@...>

10/27/1998 2:20:01 PM
O.K. as we cant really agree at a place, how about planning two
conferances a year or two years apart. Someone picks a number,sends it
to Robin Perry , someone from L.A. picks one and someone from San Diego
another, closest one wins first year conferance. Also I propose that the
L.A. take place at Bill Alves location with one or two events taking
place in the city open to the public organized by me truly. Lets get to
work and do it for gods sake!
Kraig Grady
North American Embassy of Anaphoria Island

🔗Gary Morrison <mr88cet@...>

10/28/1998 3:30:36 AM
> O.K. as we cant really agree at a place, how about planning two
> conferances a year or two years apart.

Hmmm... It seemed like San Diego was getting a lot of approval, but


End of TUNING Digest 1566