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RE: Alain Danielou

🔗"Benjamin Tubb" <brtubb@...>

10/14/1998 2:16:45 PM
On Tue, 13 Oct 1998 20:01:39 -0400, David Beardsley wrote:

>Any thoughts on the book? has it for $17.47.

>Music and the Power of Sound : The Influence of
>Tuning and Interval on Consciouness
>by Alain Danielou

Highly recommended! It covers a great deal of info in 8 chapters with 17 tables
and figures used. Includes Chapter Notes, Bibliography and Index.

The chapter titles are:

1: Metaphysical Correspondences
2: The Conflict of Musical Systems
3: The Measurement of Intervals and Harmonic Sounds
4: The Cycle of Fifths: The Musical Theory of the Chinese
5: Relations to a Tonic: The Modal Music of India
6: Confusion of the Systems: The Music of the Greeks
7: The Western Scale and Equal Temperament
8: The Scale of Sounds

Total pages: xiii plus 172. The publisher, Inner Traditions, has _many_ other
interesting music books available and they have a webpage at:

P.S. The $17.47 is a good price. I paid $22.46 for my copy purchased in June
1997. The suggested retail price is $24.95.

Benjamin Tubb