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TUNING digest 1543

🔗Kraig Grady <kraiggrady@...>

10/4/1998 12:02:26 PM
I am not convinced that two pitches 100 and 101 sounded together are
percieved as 100.5 with a beat rate of 1. First how can this be meaused.
secound what is the suposed threshold of this perception of a "middle"
pitch. As someone who has been working with beats I don't hear it this
way at all.
Also in regard to the history of microtonal music in xenharmonikon
XVII , there is the whole ethnocentric problem that everyone else in the
world has been exploring microtones all along. Isd it really relevant.
Wolf omissions are to be noted but why not include any and all
percussion music. Soon or later it becomes so inclusive that the term
microtonal becomes meaningless.
Kraig Grady
North American Embassy of Anaphoria Island