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forum CD info

🔗Aline Surman <stick@...>

8/30/1998 9:41:31 AM
The deal with the forum CD is this: each contributor gets a certain
amount of copies, to do whatever he wants to with. I don't mind selling
some of mine, and I have no idea how the other folks involved feel. I
would suggest that any of the participants in the project who want to
sell some, put a post on the forum, and let people's almost
done, so we'll be keeping you posted...Hstick PS I sell my CD's for $12,
which includes postage...

🔗Gary Morrison <mr88cet@...>

8/30/1998 8:53:06 AM
Robert C Valentine wrote:

> I'm waiting for the line "and heres how to order". For those of us
> who are not on the CD, how can we go about purchasing a copy?

The short version is that those who contributed recordings also
contributed money, and will get the CDs to sell, or whatever. So,
concepually anyway, selling price and such will be up to the individual

Perhaps I'd only be guessing, but I suspect though that Neil will make a
suggestion for method of distribution and price and such, and most of the
contributors will follow that suggestion.

To be honest though, I intend to donate a lot of my copies to university
and public audio libraries.