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Praise for MIDI Relay

🔗"Fred Kohler" <Fred_Kohler@...>

8/21/1998 6:14:48 PM
Since my Tropez plus packed it in I've been microtonal synthless. I've been
using MIDI Relay to experiment with 22 equal. Many thanks to Graham Breed
for giving it to us!


Fred Kohler, #7-240 Burnside Rd E, Victoria, BC, Canada

🔗Gary Morrison <mr88cet@...>

8/22/1998 4:32:48 PM
M. Schulter wrote:

> In his writings of 1600 and 1603, the theorist Giovanni Maria Artusi
> proposed what is literally an impossible task: defining an equal
> division of the tone into two parts (and of the octave into 12) using
> only "known and specified rational numbers."[1]

I haven't read much of this (yet). But a quick question: Have you
considered sending it to the tuning list?

🔗Gary Morrison <mr88cet@...>

8/22/1998 4:45:10 PM
Gary Morrison wrote:

> I haven't read much of this (yet). But a quick question: Have you
> considered sending it to the tuning list?

Ooops. Harhar. Good work, Gary!


End of TUNING Digest 1512

🔗Drew Skyfyre <steele@...>

8/27/1998 11:54:04 PM
Hello Margo,

First, thank you for all the great posts to the list.

Second, forgive me if I'm being dense, but looking at the
cents values for the "Schulter Artusian 5-limit Just" (well,
you didn't give us a name for it), it appears as if it's identical
to the std. 12-tET in most intervals to about 0.01 cent.

Am I missing something, or is this a take-it-as-is, theorist
(I mean that in a nice way)solution to Giovanni's conundrum ?
Another explanation/logic/rationale for 12-tET, along with Fibonnaci
numbers,COntinued Fractions, and just reducing the Pyth.comma ?
