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RE: Trey Gunn gives tuning list a thumbs up

🔗"Paul H. Erlich" <PErlich@...>

8/17/1998 10:13:45 AM
>I would be extremely curious to know if he
>has done any microtonal guitar work!

When I saw ProjeKct Two a few months ago (Robert Fripp on Les Paul, Trey
Gunn on Warr guitar, Adrian Belew on drums and a few solo acoustic
guitar/vocal spots), all three had MIDI hookups and occasionally
summoned some clearly microtonal soundscapes out of their gear. I think
the King Crimson album "Thrakattak" has some of that stuff too. What I
would love to hear is Fripp & Co. strap on some microtonal axes and try
writing some genuine prog-metal riffs with purer as well as smaller
intervals -- Fripp is always pushing the boundaries of tonality, so it
seems like a logical step . . . I can report that power chords (open
fifths with distorition) on the 22-tone guitar sound great despite being
7 cents flat, and any three-or-more-note subset of a "dominant ninth"
chord (0 7 13 18 26 in 22-tET) sounds really good with distortion, much
more reminiscent of Jon Catler's JI guitar than of standard 12-tone . .