> Hey Monzo...your reply/comments on eq temps > being easy were well thought out, to the point, > and intelligent, as are your posts in general...
Thanks. I spend a lot of time on my postings.
> when are you coming through Denver? > I thought you were traveling this direction..
I'm being delayed by two factors -- car legalities and work on my book (which I *really* want to have done before I go). I expect to leave by the end of this week.
The rough itinerary is Albuquerque, San Diego, LA, San Francisco, (Seattle?,) Denver, Albuquerque, Philadelphia.
I'd like to meet face to face with as many of you western microtonalists as possible. If you're interested, email me your phone #. The whole trip will take roughly a month.
Joseph L. Monzo monz@juno.com
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