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Is there a "std" fund.that many use ?

🔗Drew Skyfyre <steele@...>

5/18/1998 1:57:15 PM
For 12-TET the std. is A 440Hz,which puts C at 261.6255653006 Hz
(Graphing Calc. at work->1 more reason to love a Mac).

Now what I need to know is, what do those of you who have been at this
for a while use as a fundamental.Does anyone use 261.625......? ,it
appears to me to be a poor choice.A whole no. would be easier to deal
with.Do some of you use 'arbitrary' freqs ?.

This has probably been discussed before,oui ? If so,just give me
directions,if you like.

Also,since the term Octave is related to 12-TET, is there a more
approprite word to use ?
This is just semantics,but it may help think along a different plane .
