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oops from Ed

🔗A440A <A440A@...>

5/2/1998 6:33:07 PM
Greetings all,

The "maintaining the list" posting was inadvertantly sent to the "Tuning"
list by mistake. It was aimed at the pianotech's list, where there are some
real noisy trolls making trouble. Sorry for the wrong address.
Ed Foote

🔗 (Gary Morrison)

5/2/1998 7:31:02 AM
>as it turned
>out, a very worthwhile investment in a thoroughly readable and thought out
>discussion of music theory tuning consonance and dissonance issues with 33 CD
>tracks of examples!

It's good to hear that others found it enlightening as well.

>In regards to MIDI controller supports for full 128 MIDI Note Tuning Spec.
>accessability, can anyone recommend specific MIDI devices (whether keyboard or
>not) that support such features whether in a sampler or synth workstation?

As I understand it, three manufacturers have machines that support it,
one of whom is Ensoniq. In particular, Ensoniq's MR-series machines do, as
does the ASR-X. I don't know the other manufacturers' machines, but I
suspect that John Loffink's web page has that information on it.