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Maintaining the list

🔗A440A <A440A@...>

5/2/1998 2:05:10 PM
Greetings all,

Every list I have been on has had a troll or two. People who, inspite of
what they know about the topic, simply don't have the interpersonal
communication skills to keep the exchange of info productive. They are
constantly in the center of a flame war, and generally cause a lot of "noise".
When the signal to noise ratio goes up, lists begin to lose members that have
a low tolerance to trash talk, regardless of what they may have to offer.

There is only one way to keep a group free of these type of people. It is
simple, non-threatening, cheap, and fast.

Do not respond to the antagonists!! When trolls gets no response to
their postings, they will leave. It works every time.
This will take a little self-discipline, as it is natural to react when
insulted, but if the membership of a list ignores troublemakers, they will
soon be free of them.
So, don't fight fire with fire, fight it with silence.
Ed Foote