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Films with non-12 Soundtracks

🔗John Chalmers <non12@...>

4/5/1998 1:39:45 PM
Another movie using some microtonality is the detective
story "Klute" starring Jane Fonda and a male lead whose name
I cant recall. There are brief passages, by Emil Richards, I
believe, on one of Ervin Wilson's metallophones in 22-tet.
It has a rather high pitched, metallic sound and is very
effective in context.

I'll try to get a more complete story from Erv.

Some of Henry S. Rosenthal's films have had JI soundtracks,
but these are art films and unfortunately not widely distributed.
David Doty should have the details. (David?)

The best example I know of of a film with significant microtonal
music is "The Giving," which has a Stephen James Taylor's score.
Taylor makes extensive use of Wilson's hebdomekontany and other
