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Re:microtonality in popular music

🔗steele <steele@...>

3/27/1998 6:19:57 AM
OK,I'm a bit late with my two cents,but.......
Regarding what's been written by Johnny Reinhard and others about the
faint,but looming spectre of microtonality in popular music:
Firstly I 've thought of it as somewhat inevitable (when is the last
time you heard an original ,as in never heard before,melody/harmony on
the radio or on ,ye gads,TV?
A casual listen to the things being released today show (to me anyway)a
rising desperation.The
'Jungle/Drum&Bass' scene seems to me to be a natural result of the
impossibility of writing a 'new'
song in 12 TET.

But my main reason for writing (other than the fact that I'm a beginner
,ergo more of a list voyeur)is this: microtonal/Xenharmonic music is not
something one can pretend to be competent/good at
(no pseudo-blues pentatonic riffs,or (why do they call it that)
licks).Therefore the obvious solution will be algorithmic generation of
musical parts (a tech-nerd version of auto-accompaniment),sample
CD-ROMs (not multi-samples,but actual performances,ala those George
Clinton collections),etc.We'll all be in trouble.I'd hate to hear a
Partch/Darreg/etc. sample on Will Smith's latest "Cashing in on
M.I.B.&ID4" ditty ,or aimless arpeggio-type patterns driving some dance
music craze (the commercial music business is good at messing up a good
thing,look what happened to 'Jungle/Drum&Bass')

Something to mull over ?

Of course,feel free to disagree,call me an idiot, and get on with you

Drew Yves Skyfyre,neophyte microtonal computer musician and afficionado
of the avant-garde.Goa,India. e-mail:
"Out of the ash
I rise with my red hair
And I eat men like air."-Sylvia Plath
"Do the Monkey with me."-Johnny Bravo on the Cartoon Network.

🔗 (Gary Morrison)

3/28/1998 2:29:34 PM
Dang, I think I need to proofread this stuff (again) before I send it out!

>...Since this series is not basically about 88CET Music Theory, I'll just
>say that using those two intervals to form a cyclic scale pattern of

should be "...that I'm using..."

>...half step). This 2122121 pattern repeat in 7:4s rather than octaves,
>meaning that two As are not octaves 7:4s apart. The pattern also maps

should be "...not octaves, but 7:4s, apart."