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Ken Wauchope's music

🔗John Starrett <jstarret@...>

3/2/1998 10:26:18 AM
I accidentally screwed up some of Ken Wauchope's MIDI work, "O vos
omnes" by Carlo Gesualdo which he performed and tuned to 1/3 comma
meantone. It has been autostarting on my Microtonal Music Page for about
a month, and it IS NOT KEN'S WORK, but rather my screwup that people have
been hearing. I apologize to Ken and any list members who had to listen
to it.

On the question of fretted versus fretless basses for microtonal
music, for just intonation fretless is great, as you can tune to the beats
in real time. For equal tempered music the fretted bass is certainly
easier to start with, as the intervals take some getting used to. A
lined fretless is ideal if one has the resources to have a different
instrument for each tuning. At the first Microstock Microtonal Music
Concert I heard a cello played very well in 19tet, so with a great ear a
lined instrument is not necessary (although I am not giving up my lines).

John Starrett