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RE: !@#$%^&* to Dan Wolf

🔗"Paul H. Erlich" <PErlich@...>

2/5/1998 11:22:26 AM
This message I posted on December 5 was not only insulting to Mr. Wolf,
but ended up insulting him behind his back, as he already signed off the
list. Daniel brought a great deal of knowledge and experience to the
discussions here, and I felt that it would be a great loss to have him
sign off. I felt insulted on behalf of the list subscribers, especially
the newer ones, as I interpreted Daniel's comments to indicate that he
had nothing more to learn and it was not worth his while to teach.
Another interpretation is possible, however; Daniel may simply have been
too busy to keep up with the influx of new subscribers and (often) old
topics and needed to focus more time on real life for a while. With
insulting brats like myself around having no lives ourselves, who could
blame him?

My sincerest apologies to Daniel Wolf and here's hoping he returns to
the fold soon.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Paul H. Erlich
>Sent: Friday, December 05, 1997 3:53 PM
>To: ''
>Subject: !@#$%^&* to Dan Wolf
>>after [the mid 70's], basically no self-respecting early keyboardis=
>>would be caught dead tuning in ET.
>>We have been through this discussion so thoroughly before that I figure
>>that I have gone full circle with the tuning list. So, I'll sign off for =
>>while with a suggestion that new subscribers should spend some time with
>>the list archives. =
>>Daniel Wolf
>You're probably gone already, so I won't bother trying to come up with the
>right Yiddish expression to describe your arrogance. I joined this list in
>the #600s, and Paul Rapoport and I have been repetedly asking the same
>question (deleted above: what recordings of WTC 1&2 exist in unequal
>temperaments) to no avail (except that I already knew of the Anthony Newman).
>The archives, which I read, only go up to about #350, so the "so thorough
>discussion" of this must have occured between 350 and 600. Will somebody just
>name a good recording of WTC 1&2 in some kind of pseudo-authentic tuning,
>PLEASE, so I don't have to plunk $50 on some equal-tempered or lousily played
>version? P.S. I think you're dead wrong about most harpsichordists, but God
>bless your optimism.

From: John Chalmers
Subject: EMI
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