I've received a number of private posts regarding this CD concept, so I wanted to restate my basic concepts behind the idea...here goes: 1. After doing 2 CD's of my own, I want to get involved in the production end of things, and work helping other artists get projects out. I have a number of ideas in mind, and the cash is really the only problem. 2. I really believe in non 12eq music, and want more of it to be heard. Atadan's tape swap was a great idea, and was perhaps the seed for this project. In the music industry, a CD is definitely the standard...generally, you are not taken seriously by the media without one. It is very difficult to get airplay, or reviews in the top magazines, with only a cassette...which sucks, but it is true. 3. The arts is, again unfortunately, a name game...if they haven't heard of you, you are not important. Thus, a compilation of tuning@eartha.mills.edu music would put us on the map, so to speak, and get industry folks to take a closer look at what we're up to. 4. The whole thing really boils down to this: I am deathly tired of 12eq all the time, and want to change it's dominance in the world...a difficult task, to be sure, but one must start at the beginning. There really are a lot of talented folks on this list (and elsewhere), so let's make a statement. 5. My involvement with this project is simple: send me your DAT's (and $$$), and I'll do the grunt work, get a very nice looking/sounding package together, and from there, anything can happen. I plan to send mine to my media contacts, including folks like Kyle Gann, and try to get them intrigued. Each participant can do what they wish with theirs, including selling them. I also will try to get a few small distributors I know to take it on. 6. All in all, this is a labor of love, so to speak, and as my friend Mary Stribling says, "a CD is a high priced business card." Very true...if we happen to hit the big number, and someone wants to do something with the project, great...we'll deal with it. I have no detailed intellectual plan for this thing, other than to get this music out there. So, there it is...we now have 5 folks who are interested...5 more, and we're there. Please post me privately to chat...this can be done very easily and pretty quickly, once I have the materials in hand....Hstick PS...someone asked if a non list member could be included...that is fine with me, although I still want to call the CD "tuning@eartha.mills.edu-a compilation of microtonal music"...
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