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Retuning Samples vs Tuning Tables

🔗"Fred Kohler" <Fred_Kohler@...>

1/13/1998 11:13:13 PM
I agree that the optimum route for synth manufacturers to go DOESN'T
involve retuning at the sample level. Tuning tables are far better. On a
personal level my interest retuning the AWE 64 has nothing to do with what
makes a good microtonal synth, but...

Heres a good quality sound card that Creative Labs, given their marketing
power, will probably sell (hundreds of) thousands of. The SoundFont 2.0
standard may well be adopted by other manufacturers besides Creative Labs.
With the right software this card and the SoundFont file can become a
relatively inexpensive tool for exploring alternative tunings. At the
moment I have the sound card but not the $US1000+ for an Ensoniq MR-rack.
So will thousands of others. I think it's a worthwhile project both on a
personal level as a programming challenge and way of increasing my
understanding of alternative tunings and for all those that will have the
sound cards and therefore potentially have their minds expanded to other
tuning possibilities.

Fred Kohler, #7-240 Burnside Rd E, Victoria, BC, Canada