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How to order the Bosanquet book from Diapason Press

🔗"J. Pusey" <xen@...>

1/7/1998 5:28:45 PM
Orders for Diapason Press books are currently limited to snail-mail.
Send your request to:

The Diapason Press
P.O. Box 2376
3500 GJ Utrecht
The Netherlands

Foreign payments can be made to Dutch postal checking account 532614, or
by sending a Eurocheque. American customers can pay with personal
checks drawn on American banks in U.S. dollars made out to Rudolf A.
Rasch. The exchange rate is US$ 1 = HFL 2.

The order number for the Bosanquet book is TTL 4.
The price is HFL 60 = US$ 30.


John G. Pusey

From: (Gary Morrison)
Subject: Tuning-List CD
PostedDate: 08-01-98 04:27:27
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🔗Gary Morrison <mr88cet@...>

10/7/1998 6:51:52 PM
Today I received my copies of Neil Haverstick's tuning-list compilation
CD. As with John Starrett, Neil has been very excited about it, and I'll
definitely chime in on that excitement too. I think it turned out quite
nicely indeed! If there are any disappointments to voice, they're very
minor ones at worst.

I'll see about coming up with a review of it later (actually, I'll
encourage somebody who didn't contribute to review it first). But here are
the strongest impressions the CD leaves me with:
1. After all the theorizing we do on this list, it sure is great to hear
some actual music coming from us!
2. This CD presents a very wide variety of styles, from pop, to
middle-eastern, to Renaissancey, to spacey, to abstract.
3. It also has a wide variety of tunings, 19TET being the most
common, but various forms of Just Intonation being a close
4. It also has a wide gamut of ... how do I phrase this? ...
flagrancy of microtonality. Some used microtonality to provide
a distinctive coloring, and others used it to produce a completely
alien musical experience. I suspect that Stephen James Taylor's
contribution is the most flagrantly microtonal (as my boss would
say, "yeeehah!"), but a couple others were very close behind

In addition to once again thanking Neil for his efforts in putting this
together, I'd also like to thank and congratulate the contributors:
Stephen James Taylor, Warren Burt, John Starrett, Bill Sethares, Neil
Haverstick, John Loffink, Richard Sanford, Denny Genovese, Ernie Crews,
Bill Alves, Carter Scholz, and ... (hmmm, is it proper to congratulate

And I'd also like to thank the list-masters at Mills College for putting
us all together!

So, I'll go ahead and break the ice: $10 a copy, including postage.
I'm at 13036 Staton Drive; Austin, TX 78727-4513; USA. Please send only US
funds, no credit cards, and all that rot.


End of TUNING Digest 1547