>}Einstein's reality principle?
>This is discussed in the literature related to the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen
>paradox. Not appropriate for this list.
>}>and your classical way of viewing things is only
>}>valid at the macroscopic level, where it emerges as an approximation.
>}Give me a break! Everything is an approximation -- Quantum Mechanics too.
>}One that doesn't, by the way, provide many corrections on the macroscopic
>}level, where the "classical way" is so dreadfully approximate.
>Whether or not quantum theory is 100% accurate, there are certain features of
>it, which are very well verified experimentally, which force us to give up
>our classical notions of the world. A good book on this is _Philosophical
>Consequences of Quantum Mechanics_, a collection of articles.by Mermin, Fine,
>and many others.
>}True. But this doesn't take away from the fact that there is one line of
>}notes heard, without a doubt, as "the" melody, being backup up with chords.
>}Go get the 1974 YES album, "Relayer", and listen to the second track from
>}time index 5.30 to 6.15 for an excellent example of melody and harmony
>}coming from different pitch sets.
>Wow, another Yes fan! My Yes collection is on CD only through 1973, the rest
>is on tape. I'll find a stopwatch and try to figure out which part you mean.
>}This concept is very important in Barbershop, which is, by definition,
>}melody being backed up with chords. The melody is usually sung in something
>}roughly close to 12-tone Pythagorean (3-limit), while the notes used for the
>}chords fit almost exactly in the 7-limit.
>I see Barbershop more as an extended diatonic style where the small amounts
>of "bending" required to get from Pythagorean to 7-limit JI harmonies are too
>small to constitute a perceptually distinct pitch set (it's Gregg's melodic
>limen idea again, but we're talking differences no larger than a septimal
>comma, or 27 cents, here, which carefully performed can pass unnoticed in
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Subject: Re: vertical/horizontal/motherlode
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