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Temperament Crusades-different camps

🔗A440A <A440A@...>

12/25/1997 5:10:57 AM
Fred wrote:

>Is ther a way for a multiplicity of tunings to co-exist in a way that
>performers from different camps can play together or is there a need >for a
>"standard" tuning for practical reasons such as instrument >manufacturing and
Isn't the 'need" for a standard tuning what finally brought us to the
present-day use of 12 TET? Performers should not be expected to be able to
play with ALL other camps. The cost of individual expressions would suffer
from this, no?
It is good to have different camps, but when they all begin playing
together, the tuning gets averaged down in an entropic "sift", until we end
up at one ET or the other. ( at least it looks like that is what has happened
in the last 4000 years)..
This is not to say that the whole world uses 12 TET, I know better. But
this is the tuning from which we are attempting to depart, and there just
doesn't seem to be a huge train running back to BALI, or slack-key hawaii, (or
even to the studios on country row), etc. so, yes, we do have a question as
to our destination as well as how to get there.
The steel is my favorite instrument, but I ain't waiting for Buddy
Emmons to have a network show from Lincoln Center, (He should, you oughta hear
him play Bach on that thing, mind-blowing!)
My own approach is to reestablish some of the sense of tonality we have
lost. I am doing this though retuning,(historically) for Beethoven, figuring
to force listeners to enjoy new tunings via the use of familiar music. It is
flank artillery in the assault on ET, but well defended and at times, quite
camoflauged. I am scoring some hits with the CD so far................

>Will the fragmentation of opinion among tuning pioneers inhibit a >popular
movement beyond 12TET, so that alternate tunings remain >the province of
academics and isolated pockets of experimentation?

No, I hope not. The longer ET remains entrenched, the more beaten down
it will become. Music is dynamic, and grows. The rigid 12ET system does not,
and will eventually become one of many.
We "tuning pioneers", (which is all of us on this least, plus others),
aren't really fragmented, we are just all carrying different tools in the war
on 12TET. We are, from one perspective, completely united, defined by our
enemy, and enjoying the grunt work immensely.
Best regards, Season's greetings to all
Ed Foote
Precision Piano Works
Nashville, Tn.
("The Book Of Five Rings" has been very helpful in dealing with some of the
contention that arises when one must question others tunings .)

From: (Graham Breed)
Subject: Why septimal harmony works
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