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RE: TUNING digest 1244

🔗"Paul H. Erlich" <PErlich@...>

11/25/1997 2:05:01 AM
< there is a history of attempts to identify "the
<8.2021: Bohlen, Pierce
<16: Goldsmith
<19: Salinas, Yasser
<20: Balzano
<24: Wychnegradsky
<31: Huygens, Fokker
<36: Gawel
<41: von Janko
<53: Mercator (did he strictly look at 3-limit? Who was the first to
<72: Richter-Herf (Partch missed this in his list -- it would have

>>Balzano chose 20 as a scale with differen=
>>group characteristics from twelve in order to try out some perceptual
>>hypotheses, not to offer ''the next step''.
>I think quite a few of the people on my list wanted to try out some
>perceptual hypotheses, but Balzano was clearly interested in something more:
>"With the advent of the computer, the possibilities of exploring microtonal
>systems of octave division broaden considerably. In the face of seemingly
>boundless freedom of choice, what is needed is a basis for selection that
>will tell us which systems offer the gretest resources and will thereby be
>the most likely to reward our exploration." (Balzano 1980)
>A statement that I wholeheartedly endorse, though my solution is quite
>different. But it sounds to me like he was looking for the "next step," at
>least as much as I.
>>And Erv Wilson told me that
>>Partch was unable to distinguish 41 from his system when playing on
>>Wilson's 41tet tubulong (this gives an excellent approximation of the
>>Partch scale, with the representations of 10/11 - 12/11 and 11/6 - 20/11
>>sharing single pitches).
>He probably would have been able to tell the difference on an instrument with
>harmonic partials such as a chromelodeon, where beating would occur.
>>As for 72, I would certainly add Sims, Manieri,
>>and Tenney to the list to get out of that strange little _Ekmelische
>I don't get it.
>Anyway, Maneri is local, I should get around to meeting him one day.
>>As for 53, the father of the triangulated lattice S. Tanaka h=
>>to be added!
>Havn't seen anything by him, though I use triangular lattices and their
>higher-dimensional equivalents all the time. Can you give me more info?

From: "Paul H. Erlich"
Subject: RE: Odds and ends
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