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TUNING digest 1246

🔗"Fred Kohler" <Fred_Kohler@...>

11/25/1997 1:40:09 AM
In Tuning Digest 1246 (Graham Breed) said:

>After a brief experiment, I've concluded that the internal MIDI
>stream in a PC is _not_ restricted to the MIDI hardware speed.
>I think I was getting controller changes every 43 microseconds,
>although I haven't worked out Cubase's timing format yet. Maybe
>someone with a Tropez Plus could measure how long the tuning dumps
>really take to arrive.

I have a Tropez Plus and would be willing to do the test but I'm not sure
how to accomplish it. Any hints?
--- Fred

Fred Kohler, #7-240 Burnside Rd E, Victoria, BC, Canada