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The only plausible excuse for... enjoying your own music?

🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@...>

11/25/1997 1:28:30 AM
>I've heard several musicians, in the sense of both performers and
>composers, say that they rarely listen to their own music. The context and
>tone of voice in those statements suggests that doing so would make them
>feel vain...

These people are straight out of the Ayn Rand. It may amuse you to check
out the Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged if you haven't already. These are
good books, but they do have some problems.

Not the least of which is the flyer that comes with every book, advertising
what amounts to a religious cult for "Objectivists". So if you ever have
these books recommended to you by someone with a crazy glint in their eye
and a thin layer of sweat on their upper lip, you know what's up.

Service it to say that vanity is a major cause of avoiding sounding vain.
And the idea that vanity is bad is a tried-and-true way people protect
themselves from those who make them feel inadequate.

>I certainly don't frequently listen to my own music, but when I do from
>time to time, I often do find it enjoyable.

Why wouldn't you find your music enjoyable? You wouldn't go to all that
trouble to make un-enjoyable music, now would you?

>But not - unless I'm deluding myself somehow - from the perspective of
vanity. >Instead its from the perspective of reveling in the joys of a
completed effort. >Usually these are efforts that I enjoyed doing, so I
relive, in essence, "the >good times". Perhaps it's kind of like looking at
vacation photos.

I love to listen to your music. But I prefer it to looking at your vacation

>Anybody others of you have that sort of feeling from listening to your
>own music, or perhaps any other thoughts on that topic?

I love to listen to my music. I make it how I like it -- no wonder I find
it downright enjoyable! It's also beneficial to me as a growing musician to
listen to what I've done. In fact, I'd argue there couldn't be a better way
to learn about music than to listen to it.

As for bringing back the "good old times", I guess I haven't been composting
long enough to get the effect. I do have some 2 year old stuff on
microcassette, but bringing back the "good old times" with microcassette is
kinda like reminiscing about when you had radiation sickness.

Again, Hstick hits it on the head...

>The only plausible excuse for any one tuning replacing 12TET, would be
>that exploring it requires the entire efforts of every human being in the
>World for however long it dominates.

..and who would believe that any tuning could require that?


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