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Bucking the system

🔗Steven Rezsutek <rezsutek@...>

11/10/1997 7:35:02 AM
Just a quick note to share my excitement with folks who will
appreciate it.

As I sat on the couch yesterday, avoiding hanging insulation in
my soon-to-be studio, and rereading Pauls paper on 22 for the
sixth or seventh time, words that I had uttered the night before
came back to haunt me. [I had been lamenting the current state
of "LSI injection molded no user modifiable parts inside" that
modern electronics have become.]

While I was looking at Pauls keyboard mapping for 22, the engineers
urge ["Where's my Leatherman?"] hit, and off came the cover of my
"bargain" keyboard. Within 20 minutes, I was out of the door to pick
up another kbd as a source of more "keys" at the conveiniently running

At this point I'm about half way through rebuilding the keyboard
as a 22TET controller. I pretty much took Paul literally, and
left the 'E's out, although the actual arrangement of the keys
is a bit different, as necessitated by the injection molded parts,
and the odd spacing of the cutouts in the white keys. The net
result is a repeating pattern of 5 black/6 white, and a gap the
size of a black key every "octave" (two groups). Pretty slick,
I thought.

I'll probably finish the assembly this evening while the cheesecake
is in the oven, and then all that remains it to redo the tuning
table on my ClassicKeys and I'll be off and running (or stumbling,
in my case :)

The whole point is that it *can* be done (still), and while buying
2 keyboards probably isn't how those of you with classy instruments
would want to go (perhaps get a service manual and order the extra
keys), it worked fine for me, and I now have a couple of circuit
boards that convert switch closure to MIDI to use in another
project in the future.


From: Steven Rezsutek
Subject: Minor addendum to "Bucking the system"
PostedDate: 10-11-97 20:20:20
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