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Scala EXAMPLE with MIDI Csound

🔗Greg Schiemer <gregs@...>

10/18/1997 3:04:44 PM

I have a problem that others on the tuning net may have encountered and
solved. Or this may be another tuning idea for John Fitch to consider.
Will Csound eventually have a command to support MIDI file format 1 ?

Here's the scenario.

I've just written a rather large (over 17 minutes) a capella work for
voices in 7-limit just intonation entitled "Vedic Mass". Graham Hair, the
artistic director of Voiceworks, (the group that commissioned it) would
like a Csound crib of the work to ensure the singers had precise pitch
references during rehearsal. Instead of writing this crib completely from
scratch using the many tuning features of Csound, I thought of using a
MIDI file extracted from Finale - the notation software I used to create
the score. I'd hoped to produce a tunable MIDI file using the EXAMPLE
command in Manuel Op de Coul's Scala.

Briefly, this command takes an input MIDI file (format 0) and using any
scale loaded into scale memory in Scala, produces an output MIDI file
(format 1) in which each note is bent with appropriate MIDI pitch wheel
data that represents the tuning of each note on a dedicated MIDI channel.

Problem. Csound can only read format 0. If Csound could read file format
1, then I (and others ?) would have a way of quickly putting a score into
Csound and hearing how it is meant to sound in just intonation or any
other alternative tuning system. How possible would this be John ?

The two alternatives I can think of are ..... well I dread to think about
it .... start putting the score in again in Csound using tuning tables or
using other MIDI tools to make each File format 1 tuning message into a
File format 0 (and I should expect to die in thirty years time anyway!)

In the mean time, does anyone have another elegant time-saving solution ?

Greg S

From: Johnny Reinhard
Subject: Re: Ambassador Mondale on JI
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