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Microstock 3 and various

🔗Aline Surman <stick@...>

10/17/1997 3:10:15 PM
On October 25, we'll be doing our annual Microstock gig, this year at
Swallow Hill Music Hall, 1905 S. Pearl, in Denver. John Schneider is
featured guest, performing on his just intoned guitars with
interchangeable fretboards, and his Vogt guitar with moveable frets. I've
been told there will be a Partch premiere this year. Also, the Haverstick
band, with Ernie Crews on percussion and John Starrett on bass, will do a
set of music in 19 and 34 tone equal temps. Schneider will also give a
master class at Denver University, and Starrett and Richard Krantz will
do a talk on math and tunings at Metro State college. Please email me, or
call 303-477-3268 if you need info. By the way, the whole concert is
acoustic instruments...thanks to Larry Hanson for the 34 tone guitar and

On another note, Paul E's comments about 19 and 22 are a matter of fact, Paul, I do often use the #6 in my 19
tone blues, as well as the the form a nice twist. I would love
to have a 22 tone axe to mess with...anybody got an extra they could part
with? As for 34, it is a very deep and profound tuning, and little
explored. The 3rds are only 2 cents off, the 5th is about 4cents sharp,
and almost all of the intervals are no more than 3 or 4 cents off of
perfect ratios. This gives 34 a very strong, though relaxed, sound that
resonates very well. It has 2 cycles of 5ths, and a cycle of major (and
minor) 3rds that only resolves after going through 34 different
notes...this is a feature which I plan to explore soon in compositions,
and I am sure it will lead to some most unusual possibilities. As always,
each tuning has it's strengths and weaknesses, and the end result of
tuning theory is, hopefully, great music. The potential of a tuning
system is only as good as the artist working with it, and the logic of
the interval structure must be brought to life by a creative force...the
tools must be used in masterful ways.

One more thing...Pat Metheny's new album, "Imaginary Days," features
him on fretless guitar in several places. I only heard it once, and what
I heard was, is he just winging it by ear, or has he decided
to get into non 12 systems? I don't yet know, but I thought it was some
of the best playing I've yet heard of his...Hstick

Subject: more loose thoughts
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