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John Starrett and Tape Swap Damage Control


10/12/1997 12:43:31 PM
Hey folks,

As I've said, huge apologies to John for getting the wrong version of "Dance
of the Mermaids" on the swap. But it occurs to me that since I still have the
Master Dat in hand and there appears to be at least as many people that are
wanting a copy of the tape as had originally participated that I could do
alittle damage control by simply recording over the incorrect version of his
piece with the correct version. This way at least there will be a bunch of
correct copies floating around.
It's not John's fault the wrong version is on the tape. He's just being nice.
But in my defense, I did e-mail John asking him whether or not all pieces were
just intoned. They just didn't sound different to me. But i thought well
maybe because they were performed on the Starrboard it was less obvious.
See, the Starrboard is a 12x12 matrix and indeed the fretts are spaced in
equal temperment. BUT in just tuning the strings are retuned to just tuning,
you can't move the fretts , however. So I thought well maybe there is just
something funky about the way John had to finger the pieces so that the JI
wasn't obvious. WRONG.
Anyway, John got back to me and said that they were just intoned. He of
course, was refering to the second tape of 2 tapes he had sent me not the
first one, which was the one I had recorded off of. I just got confused. This
was my fault. and I apologize again to John.
Fortunately all copies sent out from this point onward will have the correct
take on it.


From: Aline Surman
Subject: the word microtone
PostedDate: 13-10-97 07:51:40
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