>I am doing a >music perception thesis comparing JI vs ET perception.
Here's a couple of references that do experiments that compare perceptions of JI and ET.
ibitem[Voos 1982]{voos82} J. Voos, ``The perception of pure and mistuned musical fifths and major thirds: thresholds for discrimination, beats, and identification," {\em Perception and Psychophysics} 32:297-313, (1982).
ibitem[Vos 1988]{vos} J. Vos, ``Subjective acceptability of various regular twelve-tone tuning systems in two-part musical fragments," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 83(6), 2383-2392 (1988).
ibitem[Keisler 1993]{keisler} D. F. Keisler, ``The relevance of beating partials for musical intonation," Proceedings of the ICMC, Montreal (1993).
Interestingly, they differ wildly in their conclusions. Perhaps this is due to the exact experimental techniques?
SMTPOriginator: mr88cet@texas.net From: mr88cet@texas.net (Gary Morrison) Subject: Not Feeling Old Yet? PostedDate: 09-10-97 15:59:52 SendTo: atmoore@concentric.net,BMorri6409@aol.com,danelle@wolfpack.net,jmorriphot@aol.com,non12@deltanet.com,CN=coul1358/OU=AT/O=EZH,garym@rex.sps.mot.com,russgill@iamerica.net,stacey.e.morrison@jsc.nasa.gov,PicardCD@aol.com,tewok@tis.com $MessageStorage: 0 $UpdatedBy: CN=notesrv2/OU=Server/O=EZH,CN=coul1358/OU=AT/O=EZH,CN=Manuel op de Coul/OU=AT/O=EZH RouteServers: CN=notesrv2/OU=Server/O=EZH,CN=notesrv1/OU=Server/O=EZH RouteTimes: 09-10-97 16:00:06-09-10-97 16:00:07,09-10-97 14:58:38-09-10-97 14:58:38 DeliveredDate: 09-10-97 14:58:38 Categories: $Revisions:
Received: from ns.ezh.nl ([]) by notesrv2.ezh.nl (Lotus SMTP MTA SMTP v4.6 (462.2 9-3-1997)) with SMTP id C125652B.004CE77B; Thu, 9 Oct 1997 16:00:00 +0200 Received: by ns.ezh.nl; (5.65v3.2/1.3/10May95) id AA12275; Thu, 9 Oct 1997 16:00:38 +0200 Received: from mail1.texas.net by ns (smtpxd); id XA12285 Received: from [] (mnet02-12.austin.texas.net []) by mail1.texas.net (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id IAA17712; Thu, 9 Oct 1997 08:59:52 -0500 (CDT) Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 08:59:52 -0500 (CDT) X-Sender: mr88cet@mail.texas.net Message-Id: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" To: atmoore@concentric.net, BMorri6409@aol.com, danelle@wolfpack.net, jmorriphot@aol.com, non12@deltanet.com, COUL@ezh.nl, garym@rex.sps.mot.com, russgill@iamerica.net, stacey.e.morrison@jsc.nasa.gov, PicardCD@aol.com, tewok@tis.com From: mr88cet@texas.net (Gary Morrison) Subject: Not Feeling Old Yet?
>Are you feeling old? If not, consider this: > > The people who are starting college this fall across the nation were > born in 1980. > > > > The Iranian hostage crisis occurred before they were conceived. > > They have no memory of a time before M-TV. > > "New Wave" is their PARENTS musical generation. > > Cyndi Lauper, Boy George, the Pretenders, the Kinks, the Sex Pistols > -- are all old music they have heard of, if they have heard of it at > all. > > They have no meaningful recollection of the Reagan era. > > They were prepubescent when the Persian Gulf War was waged. > > If they have heard the name "Oliver North," it was probably > as a losing Congressional candidate, or perhaps in some obscure > survey history text's reference, such as might be made to Huey Long or > Teapot Dome. > > Black Monday 1987 is as significant to them as the Great Depression. > > Their world has always included AIDS. > > Having not lived through the Disco Scare, they can romanticize the > 1970s. > > They see "Family Ties" as something middle aged ladies watch. > > They watched "Star Wars" years ago, when they were kids -- on video. > > Atari predates them, as do vinyl albums and cassette audiotapes; > they may have heard of an 8-track, but probably never actually seen > (or heard) one. > > From their earliest years, a camera was something you used once and > threw away. > > As far as they know, stamps have always cost about 32 cents. > > The oil crisis is history of which they probably know nothing -- and > why anyone WOULDN'T buy a suburban is beyond them. >
Received: from ns.ezh.nl ([]) by notesrv2.ezh.nl (Lotus SMTP MTA SMTP v4.6 (462.2 9-3-1997)) with SMTP id C125652B.004D03DF; Thu, 9 Oct 1997 16:01:12 +0200 Received: by ns.ezh.nl; (5.65v3.2/1.3/10May95) id AA12311; Thu, 9 Oct 1997 16:01:49 +0200 Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 16:01:49 +0200 Received: from ella.mills.edu by ns (smtpxd); id XA12304 Received: (qmail 1836 invoked from network); 9 Oct 1997 07:01:38 -0700 Received: from localhost (HELO ella.mills.edu) ( by localhost with SMTP; 9 Oct 1997 07:01:38 -0700 Message-Id: Errors-To: madole@mills.edu Reply-To: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Originator: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Sender: tuning@eartha.mills.edu
Gordon wonders if I attend many concerts. I guess it is hard to imagine that I know what I'm talking about if one has never been to an AFMM concert or heard our work. Please check the repertoire list at the AFMM web site identified below to see what we have presented over the last 16 years.
Once again, yes I consider 12ET microtonal: however, since conventional 12ET has plenty of forums for exposure and non-12ET has zilch, the AFMM naturally focuses on non-12ET. Reasonable?
There are many academic disciplines that are so entrenched in Western cultural orientation that it is difficult to imagine a cross-cultural basis for anything, let alone tuning. Suffice it to say that regardless of my philosophy of microtonal music, I spend my life producing, composing, and performing "microtonal" music.
The term microtonal is quite significant to me as it indicates the myriad of possibilities of musical intervals that Western convention negates. Perhaps if one imagines that "any" interval might be useful in a set of musical intervals for a piece of music, it might not be so necessary to get caught up in cultural bias, including etymology.
Johnny Reinhard Director American Festival of Microtonal Music 318 East 70th Street, Suite 5FW New York, New York 10021 USA (212)517-3550/fax (212) 517-5495 reinhard@idt.net http://www.echonyc.com/~jhhl/AFMM/
Received: from ns.ezh.nl ([]) by notesrv2.ezh.nl (Lotus SMTP MTA SMTP v4.6 (462.2 9-3-1997)) with SMTP id C125652C.001C0BC2; Fri, 10 Oct 1997 07:06:20 +0200 Received: by ns.ezh.nl; (5.65v3.2/1.3/10May95) id AA12963; Fri, 10 Oct 1997 07:07:00 +0200 Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 07:07:00 +0200 Received: from ella.mills.edu by ns (smtpxd); id XA12921 Received: (qmail 19698 invoked from network); 9 Oct 1997 22:06:56 -0700 Received: from localhost (HELO ella.mills.edu) ( by localhost with SMTP; 9 Oct 1997 22:06:56 -0700 Message-Id: <971010010527_-826236448@emout06.mail.aol.com> Errors-To: madole@mills.edu Reply-To: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Originator: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Sender: tuning@eartha.mills.edu