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Tape Swap release


10/6/1997 10:59:24 PM
Hey Gang-

I'm going to be sending out all the tapes tomorrow. I think over all the swap
was a big success. It was a real pleasure to put this project together. It was
considerably more time and money consuming than I had expected, however. This
was the only drawback to doing this, otherwise it was great.

There was a large amount of material that I had been given to choose from.
Editting this thing was a little painful as I wish I could have put on alot
more material than the 90 minutes had allowed. There were all kinds of
considerations that played in deciding what finally went on the tape. I had to
balance between representing Tuning List members fairly and representing an
array of tunings adequetly. I also took into consideration representing style
and types of performance. Of paramount importance in selecting the cuts was
musicality. I wanted to put together a tape that was a compilation of good
music. Of course this is subjective. So don't shoot if you didn't get your
favorite piece on. I tried to create a tape that flowed well and set each
piece up so that it would be heard in its best light.

I've played the tape for several people that have nothing to do with music
other than they listen to alot of it and the reviews have been overwhelmingly
favorable. This is great news, I think. It's something you can hand to someone
and say "look, see we're not just a bunch of wankers"!

The numeration on the liner notes is nothing less than bizarre. The reason for
this is that it was 1) done _real_ late at night and 2) revised after the
intial printing of the liner notes and 3) I live in fear of the number 7, so
there is no track 7. It's alittle confusing but you're all smart dudes. I
trust you'll be able to wend your way through it.

and the play list is...

1) John Starrett "Dance of the Mermaids"
2) Neil Haverstick "Swing 19"
3) Denny Genovese and the Exotic Music Ensemble "Gypsy Dance"
4) Warren Burt "Almond Bread Harmonies II"
5) Denis Atadan "Times to Sprout"
6) Denis Atadan "The Usual 2020 Jam" (don't worry folks they're short!)
7) Dead Silence
8) Elaine Walker "Lost Souls"
9) Randy Winchester excerpts from "Comets over Flatlands"
9a) Randy Winchester excerpts from "Comets over Flatlands"
10) Neil Haverstick excerpt from " Microseconds"
11) Allan Strange "Phoenix Rising"


12) Gary Morrison " A Different Drummer"
12a) Gary Morrison "Alternative Fuels" (movement 3)
13) David Finnamore "Tales of the Bullroarer"
14) Denny Genovese and the Exotic Muisc Ensemble "Ancient Cultures"
15) Bruce Campbell "Enharmonic Canon"
16) Brian McLaren excerpt from "240 Piano Pieces"
16b) Warren Burt " Music for Microtonal Piano Sounds" part 6a
17) Bill Alves "Hiway 70"
18) Bill Sethares "Circle of Thirds"
19) Graham Breed "Fuckfeedback"
20) Paul Erlich "Fragment in 22-tone equal temperment"
21) Charles Lucy "Lelo Ledung"
22) Gary Morrison "Symphonietta for 7 Equal Frequency Steps" (movement 3)

These tapes should be getting to you within a few days. I hope you enjoy them.
As I've said it was a real pleasure to work on this project. Maybe we can do
it again in a year or two.

Hopefully these tapes will add a little dimension to little chats. and if
anyone has any complaints whatsoever please e-mail John Starrett. John's the
busiest guy I know and I'm sure he'll give you're gripe full regard. ;-)


Denis Atadan

From: Daniel Wolf
Subject: TUNING digest 1199
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