RE Tuning Digest 1187: For some reason, I've missed #1186, but the discussion in #1187 looks interesting.
BTW: Ivor Darreg's newsletter was called the Xenharmonic Bulletin (subtitled in Greek letters, Xenharmonia, followed by the Greek numeral) but Ivor was living in the LA area when he began its publication.Ivor also (self)published a number of other articles and reports on musical topics from his various addresses in the LA and SD areas.
My journal is called Xenharmonikon (with a K) and I started publishing it when I was living in New Jersey and working for Merck. It has travelled with me from NJ to Texas, Berkeley, etc. and Daniel Wolf edited and published issues 9-13. Some issues of Darreg's Xenharmonic Bulletin were included in the early issues of XH as were some other articles by him as well.
Interval was published by Jonathan Glasier in San Diego and Ivor was on the board. Glasier now runs the Sonic Arts Gallery with his wife Elizabeth, though reportedly, the space is now partly devoted to antiques and objects other than musical instruments.
The Sonic Arts Gallery has also been a venue for microtonal performances, though not recently due to the absence of Brian McLaren. While microtones sometimes may be heard at the Center for World Music, UCSD, the Spruce Street Forum, etc., the SG has been the only space dedicated to contemporary microtonality in San Diego. Alas, it's not been very active recently and the Partch Instruments have been moved from San Diego State University (SDSU) to Purchase, NY.
As Jon mentioned, microtonal activities are at a pretty low ebb in SD.