Bill Alves wrote: > Like some of our correspondents, Fox-Strangways considered Bharata's 4 > srutis to be a major tone (9/8) 3 to be a minor tone (10/9) and 2 to be a > just semitone (16/15). However, there is no direct evidence for this > interpretation in Bharata, nor in any of the treatises that I know of for > more than a millineum following him.
There is neither a direct interpretation of 1 sruti. To quote from Arnold A. Bake, "Bharata's experiment with two vinas", in _Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies_ vol. 20, 1957, pp. 61-67. He rejects the idea of mathematical calculation of the pramana sruti (1 sruti): "The name pramanasruti really has no reference to the mathematical size of that interval, contrary to what was accepted a priori by Fox Strangways and others. What the name is meant to indicate is that one has to take that sruti as the standard, because it is the only one actually demonstrable in practice by putting the ma-grama against the sa-grama as indicated. The sum total of 22 srutis is arrived at by addition, not by division." ... "There is no evidence of the ancient Indian musicians arriving at the perfect octave, fifth or fourth by division of strings."
B. Breloer by the way calculates different srutis than Fox Strangways. In "Die Grundelemente der altindischen Musik nach dem Bharatiya-natya-sastra", Bonn, 1922, he gives srutis of 24, 66 and 90 cents (instead of 22, 70 and 90).
On Fri, 12 Sep 1997 wrote: > It features 19 organs, the > oldest is from 1531. Very nice is the variety of tunings: > [snip] > tuning with six pure and six 1/6 Pyth. comma tempered fifths [snip]
Was this Vallotti, Manuel? (111111000000 starting on F, using the notation on my webpage?)
--pH <*> O /\ "Play it over? When I need one and you need seven?" -\-\-- o
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