I used the word "quartertone" to mean roughly half a semitone,
or specifically an interval that approximates to 1 step in 31tet.
I thought this was consistent with a "semitone" being roughly
half a tone, or specifically an interval that approximates to
1 step in 12tet. I can switch to "demisemitone" if people prefer.
As regards the symbols for raising and lowering notes by a
diminished second, I will allow these to be user configurable in
any software I write. In the terminology Paul Erlich used, they
correspond to shifts of 12 fifths in meantone scales. You never
_need_ them for 31tet, but I sometimes find them useful.
For JI, and approximations thereof, I'll use these symbols by
default to denote raising or lowering the pitch by a septimal
comma, or some other demisemitone outside of the 5 prime limit.
This is consistent with the above terminology for all meantone
temperaments between 19tet and 12tet.
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