You know, I've realized something because of a recent post I saw on this forum. Somebody said that what's wrong with theorizing about tunings; it's harming no one, so why can't they just do it and have folks (like me) quit complaining...good question. So, I've now seen that one of my problems with reading those posts is simply that I do NOT understand a lot of the basic terms and how they're applied to music. I hear about, and have done some reading about, tonality diamonds, stellated hexany's and all, but I need to know what they are before I can feel like a participant in those sorts of discussions. Yes, I am a player first, but theory is vital to help folks keep inquiring and pushing forward. Some of you folks are way out there with this stuff, and that's a compliment...I would like to know more what's being discussed at times. Perhaps some of you guys can talk about some of the basic concepts of advanced theory and help bridge the gap that sometimes exists between the theorists and the street folks like me. Of course, the math is a different story because it's a whole language of concepts and symbols; I just do not have the time to get real heavy into it, and I know many others who feel the same way...still, I believe the basic idea of math, which seems to be explaining the Universe in terms of various numerical balances of sorts, is not so hard to see. I have the greatest respect for the amazing minds I've encountered on this forum...I cannot always keep up on the theory end, but I'd like to know more of what you're talking about...Hstick