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The Great TD Tape Swap


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Hi All,

Being a diligent reader of but a rare contributer to the Tuning Digest, I
began to feel as though I wasn't quite holding up my part. So, I came up with
a way that I could help out communication on the list in, hopefully, a
meaningful way. Basically a tape swap is my idea. I know alot of you have
web sites where one can download songs or wave files but unfortunately I can't
tune into that stuff and I certainly can't put up my own website. So,for all
ofus still banging rocks and sticks together (and even those with web sites) I
offer a tape swap so we can hear each others tunings and musical ideas.

This is how I will do it.

1) Send me a Cassette with a couple of musical pieces. Brevity is important.
5 minutes a piece seems like a good limit to me. If you have nothing that
short then I may simply take an excerpt ( as long as you don't state any
objection to this).

2)Along with the tape please send me a blank tape (90 minutes in length) and a
self-addresed stamped padded envelope.

3) I will take the tapes, transfer them onto DAT, then dub out copies from
there. Then send then back to you!

I will solicit tapes for about 3 weeks and then stop. I have no idea what the
response on this will be like but if there are more than 18 responses I will
then start a second tape for the 19+ GROUP. So there would be circulating 2
different tapes, not everyone would have everyone else's music but at least
we would all still be getting a smattering of what others are up to sonically
on this list.

I would personally like to hold onto the tapes that you all send me and I will
do so unless you request otherwise.



4) give me some very basic information about music you are submitting
e.g. tuning (of course), maybe some formal aspects, or perhaps something that
you feel is particullarly sweet to listen for, maybe even a couple of lines of
philosophy. I will type it up on a sheet and enclose it with the tape.

Please don't expect anything more than the bare bones on this one. My goal is
to put a little sound in the backs of our minds as we read the list while
considering what is being written.

This tuning community is very small and it is very diverse and I think that is
great. A project like this, because of our size, is still very possible,
hopefully, that will change.

Please send your harmonies to:

Denis Atadan
13 Washington Street
Newark, Delaware 19711

Allow as much as 6-8 weeks for your first tape. I will try to get things done
as quickly as possible but sometimes I get flooded with my own work and know how that is.


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