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NTR: Viruses Via E-mail

🔗 (Gary Morrison)

4/23/1997 9:27:28 AM
Forgive me for the Non-Tuning-Related ("NTR") message here, but I
thought it worth setting the record straight about one detail.

A while back somebody on the list intercepted a hoax message about a new
E-mail-conducted virus. At least two of us responded saying that it was
nothing to worry about, since a computer can't contract a virus (or do
anything AT ALL for that matter) without actually running the program that
embodies the virus, and merely reading an E-mail message can't possibly
result in your computer executing the E-mail as a program.

Well, that assumes that you don't have your E-mail program set to
blindly execute every attachment it receives WITH that E-mail. I had never
even heard of any E-mail programs that offer such a ludicrously dangerous
option, but apparently at least one does. Definitely turn that option off
if your program has it.

But as long as you don't blindly run attached files, your computer
definitely can't get a virus from merely reading E-mail.

>> ~~~~~~~ READ ON THIS CONCERNS YOU~~~~~~~~
>> THERE IS A NEW AOL SCAM."It is essential that this problem be reconciled
>> as
>> soon as possible. A few hours ago, I opened an E-mail that had the subject
>> heading of Within seconds of opening it, a window appeared
>> and
>> began to display my files that were being deleted. I immediately shut down
>> my computer, but it was too late. This virus wiped me out. It ate the
>> Anti-Virus Software that comes with the Windows '95 Program along with
>> F-Prot
>> AVS. Neither was able to detect it. Please be careful and send this to as
>> many people as possible, so maybe this new virus can be eliminated.
>> FORWARD this to as many people as you care about!! >>
>This is what's called a "trojan horse". A virus infects your
>computer and goes on to other machines. A trojan horse
>looks like a program that does one thing but ends up doing
>another, and it's usually bad.
>To further confuse the issue, there was a virus hoax not long
>ago called AOL4FREE. Then this email comes along with an
>executable attached called AOL4FREE.EXE or AOL4FREE.COM,
>and the user just goes ahead and runs the darn thing.
> __ __ _ __ ____ _
>| \/ | ___ _ __ __ _| | ___ / _| / ___|| |_ ___ _ __ _ _
>| |\/| |/ _ \| '__/ _` | | / _ \| |_ \___ \| __/ _ \| '__| | | |
>| | | | (_) | | | (_| | | | (_) | _| ___) | || (_) | | | |_| |
>|_| |_|\___/|_| \__,_|_| \___/|_| |____/ \__\___/|_| \__, |
> |___/
> 1. _NEVER_ run an attachment from an email !!!!!
> ... especially from someone you don't know.
> 2. Never set your email package to auto-run any attachment.
> This also applies to MS Word auto-running macros.
> 3. ALWAYS inform your system administrator of virus warnings
> when you receive them. NEVER forward them on to the
> masses. There are proper channels for this info, and
> a bunch of people getting fluffly about nothing does
> no good. CERT and MCERT (Motorola's Computer Emergency
> Response Team) will almost always have the right information
> *way* before any email panic gets to you.
> 4. NEVER run with scissors.
>(hopefully, you'll take at least ONE piece of advice :)
> __________________________________________________________________
>| J. Wayne Hall | | Imaging & Storage |
>| Sys / Net Admin | | CACTG, SPS, Austin |
>| Motorola, Inc. | | 512-891-3935 |
>| It sure would be nice if we got a day off for the president's |
>| birthday, like they do for the queen. Of course, then we would |
>| have a lot of people voting for a candidate born on July 3 or |
>| December 26, just for the long weekends. -- Child imitating |
>| Deep Thoughts, Age 8 |
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>----- End Included Message -----

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🔗 (Gary Morrison)

4/26/1997 9:07:42 PM
>My name is Brian Carlson, I live in Denver and play a 19 tone steel
>string acoustic guitar and another with the frets spaced at the following
>ratios - 21/20 9/8 7/6 6/5 5/4 21/16 4/3 7/5 35/24 3/2 14/9
>8/5 5/3 7/4 9/5 15/8 and 35/18. Mark Rankin worked out these ratios
>to include the 7 limit ratios and also keep the frets spaced far enough
>apart to be playable.

Perhaps it's a little unfortunate that Mark didn't choose 9:7 for the
supramajor rather than 21:16. But then again, 19 doesn't really provide
for supramajors and subminors as such; it really only provides for
differences between augmented intervals and the next higher interval class.

In other words, since in 19 the 7-step interval is really an augmented
third rather than a supramajor, since it is roughly equally far above the
major third as the minor third is below it. A supramajor third would have
to be roughly half as far above the major third as the minor third is below
it. 21:16 is definitely an augmented third.

7:6, however, definitely is subminor, being about a quartertone below
the minor third. So I guess it's a little asymmetrical there.

Ah! This terminology and symmetry concerns only go so far; what
matters is that you make great music with it! I'd like to hear some
whenever you have a chance to make some.

By the way, Lydia Ayers has also worked with a Just 19-toned scale. I
don't recall the ratios off the top of my head though.

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