I have a few short communications from a person living about 50 miles from me on the subject of Indian sruti and scale tuning. He has looked at early Sanskrit texts and also tried to deal with the sruti concept from various points of view within Just Intonation. He examines various issues in content and structure, representing his results in diagrams and lattices.
The problem is that I am no expert on Indian classical theory, nor do I have the time to respond to his request for comments on what he's written. I am therefore looking for anyone qualified on this list who might have an hour to look at the material and send comments to its author.
To such a person I will send the papers. Please respond to me rather than to the list. The author is not on the list, by the way.
Thanks in advance for any interest. I think reading the material will be worthwhile.
Dr. Paul Rapoport e-mail: rapoport@mcmaster.ca SADM (Music) tel: (+1) 905 529 7070, ext. 2 4217 McMaster University fax: (+1) 905 527 6793
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