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TUNING digest 895

🔗 (Andrew Souter)

11/14/1996 7:50:05 PM
My last message and Gary Morison's response to it follows:

"> I find it hard to believe that not one of you knows anything about
> the specifics of using MIDI pitch bend for tuning purposes. Can't someone
> post some information on this subject?

Interesting... There's been quite a bit of messages about that recently.
I'd have to guess we have different ideas about what constitiutes "specifics".
Perhaps you could clarify further what sort of information you're looking for."

And so it appears as though my intial querries were left unread, so
I resend them once again. In response to Manuel and others, unfortunately
I do not have acces to any soft of hardware frequecny counter, and
currently I work on an 68040 Mac and do not know of any software counters.
The original messages are as follows: