A friend of mine asked me if I knew the name of a guitarist who plays in various equal temperaments (5 to 20+) and who was on NPR about a year ago. I didn't know, but does this ring a bell for any of you?
Erling Wold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5618 Ludwig Avenue, El Cerrito, CA 94530 USA voice (510) 215-0331 * fax (510) 486-0868 * Muscle Fish (510) 486-0141 erling@musclefish.com http://www.musclefish.com/erling.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Received: from ns.ezh.nl [] by vbv40.ezh.nl with SMTP-OpenVMS via TCP/IP; Tue, 5 Nov 1996 00:40 +0100 Received: by ns.ezh.nl; (5.65v3.2/1.3/10May95) id AA00663; Tue, 5 Nov 1996 00:40:55 +0100 Received: from eartha.mills.edu by ns (smtpxd); id XA00661 Received: from by eartha.mills.edu via SMTP (940816.SGI.8.6.9/930416.SGI) for id PAA04620; Mon, 4 Nov 1996 15:40:51 -0800 Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 15:40:51 -0800 Message-Id: <327E7ECE.422C@media.mit.edu> Errors-To: madole@ella.mills.edu Reply-To: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Originator: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Sender: tuning@eartha.mills.edu
I seem to remember a book about dynamic intonation called "Theory of an Evolvin g Consonance" or something like that- I'll try to find it later today-
========================================================================= | Allen Strange | | http://www.music.sjsu.edu/Music/strange.html | |_______________________________________________________________________| | Electro-Acoustic Music | International Computer Music Association | | Studios | 2040 Polk St., Suite 330 | | School of Music | San Francisco, CA 94109 | | San Jose State University |VOX + (408) 395-2538 Fax + (408) 395-2648 | | 1 Washington Square | Email: icma@sjsuvm1.sjsu.edu | | San Jose, CA 95192-0095 | URL http://coos.darmouth.edu/ | | Telephone +(408) 924-4646 | ~rsn/icma/icma.html | | Fax +(408) 924-4773 | We hope to see you at the ICMC97 | | | in Thessaloniki, Greece | | | http://alexandros.csd.auth.gr/~icmc97/ | | | email:icmc97@alexandros.csd.auth.gr | |=======================================================================|
Received: from ns.ezh.nl [] by vbv40.ezh.nl with SMTP-OpenVMS via TCP/IP; Tue, 5 Nov 1996 17:15 +0100 Received: by ns.ezh.nl; (5.65v3.2/1.3/10May95) id AA04136; Tue, 5 Nov 1996 17:16:30 +0100 Received: from eartha.mills.edu by ns (smtpxd); id XA04138 Received: from by eartha.mills.edu via SMTP (940816.SGI.8.6.9/930416.SGI) for id IAA18691; Tue, 5 Nov 1996 08:16:27 -0800 Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 08:16:27 -0800 Message-Id: <009AAEC53EA2FBA0.0647@vbv40.ezh.nl> Errors-To: madole@ella.mills.edu Reply-To: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Originator: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Sender: tuning@eartha.mills.edu
> I would like to try to use the pitch bend technique of tuning, where > each channel is initially given a pitch bend and then all notes with > that offset from ET are played on that channel (i.e. all C's on chan 1, > all C#'s on chan 2, etc.). At least that is a scheme I remember someone > proposed somewhere. This seems to me quite a general technique that > doesn't tie me to one machine.
I know what you mean about it not tying you to one machine. In two very different ways though, it does tie you to one machine. 1. It pretty much ties you to one timbre since 12 (presumably you'd do all 12 pitch classes) of your 16 channels will be tied up to play a single timbre. Now I'm not suggesting that there's anything wrong with composing in one or two timbres of course, but that is a limitation, be it desirable or not. 2. As far as I can tell from the MIDI spec, there is no standard amount of pitch deflection that a give amount of change in pitch-wheel value should produce. I would not be surprised if there is a defacto standard, perhaps whatever the DX-7 does or something to that effect. Similarly, I know of no guarantee that all instruments will bend pitch consistently with each other. By that I mean that, best I can tell from the MIDI spec alone at least, some instruments could bend pitch in proportion to frequency, some in proportion to log frequency, and some in proportion to period, if they so desire. Again, there may be a defacto standard that will save you.
Perhaps somebody will correct me if I'm wrong.
Received: from ns.ezh.nl [] by vbv40.ezh.nl with SMTP-OpenVMS via TCP/IP; Wed, 6 Nov 1996 19:52 +0100 Received: by ns.ezh.nl; (5.65v3.2/1.3/10May95) id AA05892; Wed, 6 Nov 1996 19:53:24 +0100 Received: from eartha.mills.edu by ns (smtpxd); id XA05887 Received: from by eartha.mills.edu via SMTP (940816.SGI.8.6.9/930416.SGI) for id KAA08520; Wed, 6 Nov 1996 10:53:18 -0800 Date: Wed, 6 Nov 1996 10:53:18 -0800 Message-Id: <327F7DA6.3B43@mbox.vol.it> Errors-To: madole@ella.mills.edu Reply-To: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Originator: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Sender: tuning@eartha.mills.edu
Gary is correct in that the multi-channel technique I use reduces the number of timbres available. But, not necessarily to one - if your tuning can be approximated adequately by 8 12-tet tunings, you can have two, ... etc. The "General MIDI" spec does set a standard sensitivity for pitch bend sensitivity, and all systems seem to follow it now. In any case the pitch bend sensitivity is a settable parameter within the MIDI spec, so this need not be a problem.
Received: from ns.ezh.nl [] by vbv40.ezh.nl with SMTP-OpenVMS via TCP/IP; Wed, 6 Nov 1996 23:54 +0100 Received: by ns.ezh.nl; (5.65v3.2/1.3/10May95) id AA06138; Wed, 6 Nov 1996 23:55:22 +0100 Received: from eartha.mills.edu by ns (smtpxd); id XA06134 Received: from by eartha.mills.edu via SMTP (940816.SGI.8.6.9/930416.SGI) for id OAA15477; Wed, 6 Nov 1996 14:55:20 -0800 Date: Wed, 6 Nov 1996 14:55:20 -0800 Message-Id: <13961106225331/0005695065PK1EM@MCIMAIL.COM> Errors-To: madole@ella.mills.edu Reply-To: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Originator: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Sender: tuning@eartha.mills.edu
> I seem to remember a book about dynamic intonation called "Theory of an > Evolving Consonance" or something like that- I'll try to find it later > today-
I'm pretty sure that there's one called "Theory of Evolving Tonality", and my vague recollection is that's Joseph Yasser's paper on fibonacci-like sequences of ETs. But I may be mistaken.
Received: from ns.ezh.nl [] by vbv40.ezh.nl with SMTP-OpenVMS via TCP/IP; Thu, 7 Nov 1996 20:20 +0100 Received: by ns.ezh.nl; (5.65v3.2/1.3/10May95) id AA00455; Thu, 7 Nov 1996 20:21:36 +0100 Received: from eartha.mills.edu by ns (smtpxd); id XA00453 Received: from by eartha.mills.edu via SMTP (940816.SGI.8.6.9/930416.SGI) for id LAA27255; Thu, 7 Nov 1996 11:21:34 -0800 Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 11:21:34 -0800 Message-Id: <199611071919.LAA27146@eartha.mills.edu> Errors-To: madole@ella.mills.edu Reply-To: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Originator: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Sender: tuning@eartha.mills.edu
Yes- it is "The Theory of Evolving Consonance" by Paul Rosberger" Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1970 and I notice it is 23 years overdue from when I checked it out of SJSU library in JUne of 1993.....!
========================================================================= | Allen Strange | | http://www.music.sjsu.edu/Music/strange.html | |_______________________________________________________________________| | Electro-Acoustic Music | International Computer Music Association | | Studios | 2040 Polk St., Suite 330 | | School of Music | San Francisco, CA 94109 | | San Jose State University |VOX + (408) 395-2538 Fax + (408) 395-2648 | | 1 Washington Square | Email: icma@sjsuvm1.sjsu.edu | | San Jose, CA 95192-0095 | URL http://coos.darmouth.edu/ | | Telephone +(408) 924-4646 | ~rsn/icma/icma.html | | Fax +(408) 924-4773 | We hope to see you at the ICMC97 | | | in Thessaloniki, Greece | | | http://alexandros.csd.auth.gr/~icmc97/ | | | email:icmc97@alexandros.csd.auth.gr | |=======================================================================|
Received: from ns.ezh.nl [] by vbv40.ezh.nl with SMTP-OpenVMS via TCP/IP; Thu, 7 Nov 1996 21:21 +0100 Received: by ns.ezh.nl; (5.65v3.2/1.3/10May95) id AA00518; Thu, 7 Nov 1996 21:22:51 +0100 Received: from eartha.mills.edu by ns (smtpxd); id XA00516 Received: from by eartha.mills.edu via SMTP (940816.SGI.8.6.9/930416.SGI) for id MAA28430; Thu, 7 Nov 1996 12:22:48 -0800 Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 12:22:48 -0800 Message-Id: Errors-To: madole@ella.mills.edu Reply-To: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Originator: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Sender: tuning@eartha.mills.edu
On Thu, 7 Nov 1996, Allen wrote: > Yes- it is "The Theory of Evolving Consonance" by Paul Rosberger" > Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1970 and I notice it is 23 years > overdue from when I checked it out of SJSU library in JUne of 1993.....!
Bad! Mustn't do!
[Note the name of my node and guess what profession I'm in.]
--pH (manynote@library.wustl.edu or http://library.wustl.edu/~manynote) O /\ "Well, so far, every time I break he runs out. -\-\-- o But he's gotta slip up sometime . . . "
Received: from ns.ezh.nl [] by vbv40.ezh.nl with SMTP-OpenVMS via TCP/IP; Fri, 8 Nov 1996 00:35 +0100 Received: by ns.ezh.nl; (5.65v3.2/1.3/10May95) id AA00785; Fri, 8 Nov 1996 00:36:36 +0100 Received: from eartha.mills.edu by ns (smtpxd); id XA00783 Received: from by eartha.mills.edu via SMTP (940816.SGI.8.6.9/930416.SGI) for id PAA01312; Thu, 7 Nov 1996 15:36:29 -0800 Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 15:36:29 -0800 Message-Id: Errors-To: madole@ella.mills.edu Reply-To: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Originator: tuning@eartha.mills.edu Sender: tuning@eartha.mills.edu