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my Darmodej

🔗daniel_anthony_stearns <daniel_anthony_stearns@...>

10/14/2005 11:45:33 AM


There went a man through the city yesterday
and he took the main street
There went a man through the city yesterday
and I saw him through my window
He was playing flute
and it sounded like a bell
it was full of sorrow
that beautiful long tone
And suddenly I knew
Yes, that was him,
that was him

I ran out to the street
just in my pajamas
The rats were chasing each other
around the garbage
And in warm beds
loves and non-loves
were slowly turning
family pictures
And I wanted to get an answer
to my questions

I caught the man
and grabbed him by his coat
he had a coat made from a snake skin
there was a strange coldness around him
and he has turned
his eyes full of crows
and scars by his eyes
he was all stabbed
and suddenly I knew
who is that man
that man

He was all shaking from fear
when I came to him
and in his mouth
he had a flute from Hieronym Bosh
The moon stood upon the houses
like a line in the water
like my remorse
when it's throwing up in the toilet
and suddenly I knew
yes-that is Darmodej
my Darmodej

My Darmodej
a vagabond of destiny and loves
that walks through all dreams
but keeps away from the days
my Darmodej
beautiful evil, with poison under his tongue
when he's walking from a house to house
selling needles with a dictionary

There went a man through the city yesterday
a salesman
he had gone but he doesn't go anymore
the blood dripped on the sidewalk
I took his flute
and it sounded like a bell
and it had all the sorrow
that beautiful long tone
and suddenly I knew
yes - I am him
I am him

Your Darmodej
a vagabond of destiny and loves
that walks through all dreams
but keeps away from the days
my Darmodej
beautiful evil, with poison under his tongue
when he's walking from a house to house
selling needles with a dictionary


venována Karlu Šiktancovi
Šel vcera mestem muž
a šel po hlavní tríde
šel vcera mestem muž
a já ho z okna videl
na flétnu chorál hrál
znelo to jako zvon
a byl v tom všechen žal
ten krásný dlouhý tón
a já jsem náhle vedel
ano - to je on
to je on
Vybeh jsem do ulic
jen v nocní košili
v odpadcích z popelnic
krysy se honily
a v teplých postelích
lásky i nelásky
tiše se vrtely
rodinné obrázky
a já chtel odpoved
na svoje otázky
Dohnal jsem toho muže
a chytl za kabát
mel kabát z hadí kuže
šel z neho divný chlad
a on se otocil
a oci plné vran
a jizvy u ocí
celý byl pobodán
a já jsem náhle vedel
kdo je onen pán
onen pán
Celý se strachem chvel
když jsem tak k nemu došel
a v ústech flétnu mel
od Hieronyma Bosche
stál mesíc nad domy
jak círka ve vode
jak moje svedomí
když zvrací v záchode
a já jsem náhle vedel
ano - to je Darmodej
muj Darmodej
Muj Darmodej
vagabund osudu a lásek
jenž prochází všemi sny
ale dnum vyhýbá se
muj Darmodej
krásné zlo jed má pod jazykem
když prodává po domech
jehly se slovníkem
Šel vcera mestem muž
podomní obchodník
šel ale nejde už
krev skápla na chodník
já jeho flétnu vzal
a znela jako zvon
a byl v tom všechen žal
ten krásný dlouhý tón
a já jsem náhle vedel
ano - já jsem on
já jsem on
Váš Darmodej
vagabund osudu a lásek
jenž prochází všemi sny
ale dnum vyhýbá se
váš Darmodej
krásné zlo jed mám pod jazykem
když prodávám po domech
jehly se slovníkem