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new BBQ weapon

🔗Rosati <dante.interport@...>

10/27/2001 8:58:24 PM

🔗John A. deLaubenfels <jdl@...>

10/28/2001 6:43:41 AM

[Dante wrote:]

Again, thanks for this ref, Dante. The "BBQ" weapon has been in the
wings for awhile now, and will probably be used on actual people in
actual "riots" within the next few years, I'm guessing.

In truth, I'm of two minds about devices such as this. I'm worried, of
course, that its risks have been glossed over. I'm worried, too, that
its non-lethal qualities will lead to its overuse.

At the same time, in the absence of abuse, non-lethal weapons may be a
good thing. Imagine, for example, if some effective non-lethal weapon
were held by every adult passenger on an airplane. Something that would
disable whomever you shot at without killing or seriously injuring them.
We'd certainly want to keep the door to the cockpit securely locked, but
it strikes me that it would lessen the chance that some other smuggled
weapon in the hands of a terrorist could be used to take over the plane.

(The BBQ would not qualify as such a weapon; I'm thinking more along the
lines of electric stun guns, ideally without the risk of instant heart
attack, and without wires if possible)

Of course, it's probably almost inevitable that the "BBQ" will be