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Pat Robertson is the all-time scariest man alive.

🔗akjmicro <akjmicro@...>

6/1/2004 10:34:15 PM

Bush, as we know, takes Pat Robertson's council frequently.

Look at what evil Christianity-meme infected Pat Robertson believes:

I hate Christianity, the most evil fucked-up sick concept ever to
set foot on the planet. Like Nietzsche, I *despise* what it stands
for, and it's terrible effect in the world.


🔗monz <monz@...>

6/2/2004 12:36:09 PM

hi Aaron,

--- In, "akjmicro" <akjmicro@c...> wrote:

> Bush, as we know, takes Pat Robertson's council frequently.
> Look at what evil Christianity-meme infected
> Pat Robertson believes:

not only is what he says here evil, but it's also
full of grammatical errors -- the funniest one is
a question mark that comes at the end of a statement.

if Robertson actually wrote it (but it may be a
transcript of a broadcast?), then he's not even
as articulate as i thought he was.
