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What I believe

🔗xenharmonic <xed@...>

4/16/2004 6:36:08 PM


I believe that there exists a spark of infinity
inside the human heart that not all the boots
and not all the guns of all the tyrants who
have ever lived can extinguish.

The ATL believes that the mob is god, and anyone
who dissents from that empty hollow god must
be ground into powder underfoot.
I believe that music is one of the cracks in
the universe that lets infinity seep in...and
that because of that, a limitless range of
musical tunings are musically valuable and
useful regardless whether they approximate
small integer ratios.

The ATL believes that music is a cold collection
of acoustic vibrations and jostling atoms
perceived by meat puppets who react to
integer ratios as helplessly as Pavlovian dogs
salivating when a bell rings.
I believe that the human spirit is indomitable
and that truth will always conquer lies, even
in a realm so beclouded by superstition as
Western music theory.

The ATL believes that human beings are ants
who must be stepped on when they get out of
line, and that lies about integer ratios
and the harmonic series will always conquer
the musical truth if the lies are only screamed
loudly enough and long enough.
I believe that love and beauty and aspiration
are the qualities that make us distinctly
human, and that these fragile qualities should
be cherished and valued -- especially in music.

The ATL believes that cold mathematical calculations
are the strings which control the meat puppets misnamed
"humans," and that one meat puppet is the same
as any other meat puppet -- disposable pieces of
living garbage who must be fed into the meat
grinder of mathematics to produce ideology and
obedience to the cult of small integers.
I believe that society is a collection of individuals
who are each valuable, especially for their musical
creativity and talent.

The ATL believes that society is a pack of animals
who must be herded with a whip by tyrants called
moderators, and led into the slaughterhouse of
musical pseudoscience by the bellwether of ideological
musical conformity.
I believe that I am unimportant because when I
speak out for truth and common human decency
and musical creativity this will touch a
chord in countless other peoples' hearts...and
when I go down crushed and torn apart and
flayed by the mob, ten others will rise in
my place and speak out for honesty and
imagination and creativity.

The ATL believes that the mob is all-important
and all-powerful, a beast-god with a thousand
heads and no brain to which every individual must be
sacrificed, like infants to Baal, the instant
anyone steps out of line and dissents from the
common musical unwisdom.
I believe that music is one of the most important
parts of human existence.

The ATL believes that only dead numbers and
soulless mathematics are important, and that
human beings are living sewage to be pulped
and crushed and shredded in the name of
musical ideology.

Choose, people.

What do you believe?

What do you stand for?

🔗Kurt Bigler <kkb@...>

4/18/2004 4:53:26 PM

on 4/16/04 6:36 PM, xenharmonic <xed@...> wrote:


What you believe strikes me as appropriate for you to talk about. What
others believe is appropriate for you to speculate about, not decree about.
What the ATL believes is a very elusive thing indeed.
